format Icon
Pack: Background system icons
Author: ionchan
License: Free for personal and commercial purpose.
Icons in pack: 300 icons
Maxmuim size available: 512px
Icon format available: SVG, PNG

Icons relevant to current "format" Icon

Format brush Icon

Format brush

Format brush Icon

Format brush

Format brush Icon

Format brush

format-painter Icon


Map format Icon

Map format

text-format Icon


ic24-format-strikethrough Icon


ic24-format-underline Icon


ic24-format-bold Icon


Format brush Icon

Format brush

899 format? Unknown Icon

899 format? Unknown

710 editor_ Clear format Icon

710 editor_ Clear format

711 editor_ Format brush Icon

711 editor_ Format brush

Tools text format (17) Icon

Tools text format (17)

text-format-remove Icon


ic24-format-indent-decrease Icon


format Icon


800 format document TXT Icon

800 format document TXT

801 format document doc Icon

801 format document doc

805 format document ppt Icon

805 format document ppt

806 format document pptx Icon

806 format document pptx

808 format document Icon

808 format document

802 format document docx Icon

802 format document docx

803 format document xls Icon

803 format document xls

810 format document SRT Icon

810 format document SRT

804 format document xlsx Icon

804 format document xlsx

820 format audio mp3 Icon

820 format audio mp3

821 format audio wma Icon

821 format audio wma

819 format general document Icon

819 format general document

format Icon


format Icon


format Icon




Format brush Icon

Format brush

text-format Icon


text-format Icon


Character format to datetime format Icon

Character format to datetime format

822 format audio wav Icon

822 format audio wav

823 format audio ogg Icon

823 format audio ogg

824 format audio ape Icon

824 format audio ape

825 format audio MIDI Icon

825 format audio MIDI

826 format audio FLAC Icon

826 format audio FLAC

827 format audio AAC Icon

827 format audio AAC

829 format universal audio Icon

829 format universal audio

830 format video wmv Icon

830 format video wmv

Other Icons in the Pack of "Background system icons"

back-stage management Icon

back-stage management

Mute Icon


enclosure Icon


skin peeler Icon

skin peeler

layout Icon


identification Icon


Zoom right Icon

Zoom right

Zoom - left Icon

Zoom - left

Planar up arrow Icon

Planar up arrow

Planar down arrow Icon

Planar down arrow

Faceted right arrow Icon

Faceted right arrow

Planar left arrow Icon

Planar left arrow

Unbound Icon


binding Icon


Descending order Icon

Descending order

Ascending order Icon

Ascending order

Face plus one Icon

Face plus one

Linear plus one Icon

Linear plus one

Face minus one Icon

Face minus one

Linear minus one Icon

Linear minus one

minus sign Icon

minus sign

plus Icon


add to Icon

add to

subtract Icon


Graphic grid - linear Icon

Graphic grid - linear

Graphic list - versatility Icon

Graphic list - versatility

Graphic list - linear Icon

Graphic list - linear

Graphic grid - faceted Icon

Graphic grid - faceted

Linear up arrow Icon

Linear up arrow

Linear down arrow Icon

Linear down arrow

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